Hello beautiful soul

I’m delighted you’re joining us on our 2019 sacred connection journey. The blend of your soul light with the group dynamic will contribute to an amazing experience for everyone.

Some earthly details…

Whilst we all work with trust and awareness of a greater spiritual overview, (and I trust you 100%) there are 3D legal requirements that apply to any travel adventure. It’s my duty of care to provide this information, and it’s also a condition of my insurance for this journey. These documents are worded in legal language, by necessity. I’ve tried to keep it as plain as possible, but the Liability Disclaimer in particular has a lot of “legal speak”, so I’d like to simplify things and say that it really means you take responsibility for you, and anything that affects you whilst on this trip.

Of course, I’ll take every care to ensure that you’re more than well looked after, on every level. Together with the Star Ancestors, and all our Spirit Teams, we’ll all be incredibly supported, nurtured and divinely guided.

Forms to Sign + Return…

All the forms you need are here. You can right-click to download them, or print them straight from the link. Please call, email or message me if there’s anything you’d like clarified.

2019 Terms & Conditions

2019 Liability Disclaimer

2019 Cancellation Policy

The Terms & Conditions are accepted upon payment of your deposit, or full journey fee. The Liability Disclaimer form will need to be signed, dated and returned to me.

My postal address is: PO Box 1733, Noosaville BC, Qld, 4566. Or you may scan the signed document and email it to me at

Wonderful! Now that all the legal requirements are complete, we can return to being multi-dimensional beings, expanding and receiving the heightened energies that are flowing through to prepare us for our journey. I’m very grateful to you for taking the time to go through all of this. With much love and joy…


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